
my name is seven, she/her hispanic, sagittarius 11.26, ; ace
no. 1 seven fandon’t call me “7” just write it out ,usually active later in the evening (online not IRL, consider me inactive as well)

byf heavy curser (depends), typos + text in caps 24/7, laughs at everything, no tone indicators, blunt, sarcastic. etc in nxt pgdni rude, says/supports nasty things, saying “kys” + “kms” to me saying slurs .. even if you can reclaim them older than me+ (basic dnfi/dni)

more abt me

secret page.. or maybe not

if you’re a teacher or other adult from my school who found this because of my profile, i just want to say this isn’t for you. i put this so that people who want to be my friend can look at it. i sobbed when i found out i couldn’t remove it from my profile. so please forget this ever existed, and you weren’t supposed to be clicking on this anyways since i had a description stating you shouldn’t click. AND DO NOT mention this site to me. it’s best for the both of us.

for everyone else

we can still be connected if you have pinterest, ps app, roblox and etc if i remember (just ask me for it. i do not use social media other than youtube + pinterest)

i watch anime, read mangas, and i’m into all sorts of literature, i know and have read a ton of things. i also watch a ton of documentaries, and long form videos about random topics i never heard of.

i’m sometimes blunt and sarcastic (i don’t mean to be a jerk), and if honesty scares you, then i am not your person.i set boundaries, and im high maintenance. i do text first, but if i realize you lack effort then it’s not my problem to fix. (i WILL however, let you know i want you to text me first. if you don’t, then experience FOMO.) we work together to have a friendship, and if you don’t put in the effort then it’s simply just not worth my time.

i make poems, not as much as i used to. i like making comics for fun, lyrics with my best friend for fun, and i just like having fun

SOMETIMES the way you type/talk makes me want to know more about you.

as long as you’re on the same wavelength as me, we can still communicate for a long time

hint: press in browser

fun fact: i created this carrd way back in 2022, but i kept fixing it over the years before i will ever publish it.